Milford Star – CalderCraft
Milford Star Side Trawler (RC) (CA7019)
This small attractive side trawler, so typical of the thirties and forties was a conversion to a peace time trawler from one of eight Round Table Class minesweepers built around 1943 for war service. The design is based on the hull lines of Star of Orkney, a trawler built in 1936.
The Milford Star Side Trawler hull is a fully detailed GRP moulding with CNC cut ply deck and superstructure A full set of white metal fittings, dowel, tube, rod etc. to complete the model as illustrated. The Milford Star benefits greatly from the added paraphernalia of nets, buoys and ropes. Internal lighting can be added to give additional realism to those late night Summer and Autumn sailings.
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