The Black Swan – OcCre


Model Ship ‘The Black Swan’ by OcCre
Part #OC12012
Scale: 1/75
Width: 10.1″ (257 mm)
Height: 23″ (585 mm)
Length: 24.1″ (613 mm)


Scale: 1/75
Width: 10.1″ (257 mm)
Height: 23″ (585 mm)
Length: 24.1″ (613 mm)
Number of parts: 3,342
Estimated build time: 480 hours approx.

  • Step-by-step video tutorials
  • Instructions in 5 languages
  • HD step-by-step photos
  • Parts list with measurements and materials
  • IP sheet for piece identification
  • Scaled blueprints
  • High-quality model
  • Includes custom cast nameplate.
  • Includes basic construction stand.
  • Includes sails.

The model reproduction is true to the original. OcCre’s model kits provide all necessary elements to make the ship as realistic as possible, down to the most specific naval details imaginable.

The Black Swan – Legend of Caribbean Piracy

During the golden age of piracy, the Black Swan sailed the perilous waters of the Caribbean, leaving behind a trail of fear and admiration. Under the command of the ruthless Captain Tom Leach, this legendary ship raided Spanish trade routes and boldly faced fleets that tried to stop it. Its dark silhouette and black sails billowing in the wind were symbols of defiance, freedom, and adventure.

With OcCre’s model of the Black Swan, you can relive this fascinating tale of corsairs and build a unique piece that captures every detail of this feared pirate ship.

Inspired by the famous novel by Rafael Sabatini and the 1942 film, the Black Swan embodies the indomitable spirit of pirates who ruled the seas. From the coasts of Jamaica and Tortuga to Hispaniola, this ship is one of the most emblematic figures in the naval history of the Caribbean.

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