Curved Locking Forceps Jaws


Stainless steel with quality box joint construction – For gripping, holding & pulling tasks – Used by model builders, jewellers, miniaturists, cake decorators, anglers & flower arrangers


Curved Locking Forceps Jaws (Serrated) (150mm)

• Stainless steel with quality box joint construction
• For gripping, holding & pulling tasks
• Used by model builders, jewelers, miniaturists, cake decorators, anglers & flower arrangers

Modelcraft Curved Locking Forceps Jaws (Serrated) (150mm). Although used by surgeons, these are now used extensively by model builders, jewellers, miniaturists, anglers, electronic hobbyists, cake decorators and even flower arrangers.

Straight Jaws (Smooth) PCL5044
Length 130mm

Straight Jaws (Serrated) PCL5045
Length 150mm

Curved Jaws (Serrated) PCL5046
Length 150mm

Clamping & Work Holding. The Modelcraft collection includes tools for clamping and work holding to cater for all model making and craft requirements. As any accomplished model maker will know, it is essential to have a job held securely and in the right position, especially when working on precision items. By securing items whilst working on them you can ensure accuracy and minimize mistakes.

The SHESTO Model Craft Collection. The SHESTO Model Craft collection is a comprehensive range of useful, often hard to find precision hand tools and accessories essential for any toolbox. The range of Model Craft tools covers many applications where detail, precision and close up control are needed, such as: model making, general hobby & craft, electronics & light engineering, renovation & restoration, jewelry making, as well as smaller DIY and household repairs.

To view our entire catalog of tools, please click here.

For a good reference on building model ships, please click here.

Have questions about any of our products? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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Last modified: June 6th, 2024 at 11:35 am