FBV Westra – Turk


Scale 1:50
Length: 1180mm
Height: 490mm
Width: 230mm


FBV Westra
Türkmodel FBV WESTRA “Scottish Fisher Protection Vessel” R/C 1/50
L: 119cm
3D printed detailed resin accessories,
interior details,
Remote control kit ready design,
cnc laser cut plates,
Easily understandable detailed plan and construction manual
Please note that no physical instructions are included with these kits, everything must be downloaded from the below link:

any/all videos that may be on this site were found on youtube and are not produced by historicships.com. If your video is here and you do not wish it to be here please let us know and we will remove it.

Last modified: January 23rd, 2023 at 12:21 pm