Hobby Bench Vice (PVC7006)
Hobby Bench Vice (PVC7006)
• Holds objects securely at the desired angle
• Jaw Width: 60mm
• Jaw Capacity: 50mm
Modelcraft Hobby Bench Vice (PVC7006) Holds objects securely at the desired angle.
Jaw width: 60mm – Jaw Capacity: 50mm
The Hobby Bench Vice is made from an aluminium alloy, combining strength with lightness, making it ideal for use with portable workbenches, the kitchen table or wherever a strong temporary fixing is required. The jaws have cross cut face plates for better grip. The vice can be attached to benches up to 25mm thickness and the adjustable clamp head allows for uneven surfaces. As any Model maker or DIY enthusiast will know, it is essential to have a job held securely and in the right position, especially when working on precise items. By securing items whilst working on them you can ensure better accuracy and minimize mistakes.
Clamping & Work Holding
The Modelcraft collection includes tools for clamping and work holding to cater for all model making and craft requirements. As any accomplished model maker will know, it is essential to have a job held securely and in the right position- especially when working on precision items. By securing items whilst working on them you can ensure accuracy and minimize mistakes.
The SHESTO Modelcraft Collection
The SHESTO Modelcraft collection is a comprehensive range of useful, often hard to find precision hand tools and accessories essential for any toolbox. The range of Modelcraft tools covers many applications where detail, precision and close up control are needed, such as: model making, general hobby & craft, electronics & light engineering, renovation & restoration, jewelry making, as well as smaller DIY and household repairs.
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