HSS Jobbers Drills 0.3mm – ModelCraft


• HSS mini Jobber Drills (twist drills)
• In handy packs of 5 pieces
• Used in hand held drill holders or in miniature rotary power tools


Rotacraft HSS Jobbers Drills 0.3mmx 5

A range of fine and superfine HSS drill bits for precision drilling work in wood, metals and plastics.

Mini Rotary Tools

They are ideal for hobby, electronics, craft, restoration, renovation and smaller DIY jobs. The accessories are the business end of the electric and the comprehensive rotacraft range covers a wide variety of tasks: cutting & grinding, drilling, engraving, cleaning & polishing, sanding & shaping, carving & milling.

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Last modified: January 20th, 2023 at 2:24 pm