Machinists Scriber (100mm)


Basic single ended scriber – Length 100mm


Machinists Scriber (100mm)

• Basic single ended scriber
• Length 100mm

Modelcraft Machinists Scriber (100mm). This Precision machinist’s scriber is designed for the machinist and hobby enthusiast. It is ideal for marking out in confined spaces, particularly on pre-machined work pieces.

Marking & Measuring

The Modelcraft Collection includes tools for Marking & Measuring. Accurate measuring and marking are fundamental to the success of any hobby & craft project. You will be able to tackle most measuring jobs using a steel rule, an engineer’s square and a scribe tool. There are certain tasks which require more precision. In these circumstances a set of divider calipers, micro-metre or Vernier calipers will usually offer the accuracy you require.

The SHESTO Modelcraft Collection

The SHESTO Modelcraft collection is a comprehensive range of useful, often hard to find precision hand tools and accessories essential for any toolbox. The range of Modelcraft tools covers many applications where detail, precision and close up control are needed, such as: model making, general hobby & craft, electronics & light engineering, renovation & restoration, jewelry making, as well as smaller DIY and household repairs.

To view our entire catalog of tools, please click here.

For a good reference on building model ships, please click here.

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Last modified: June 7th, 2024 at 11:11 am