4 Pce Drive Pin Punch Set (100mm) – ModelCraft
Modelcraft 4 Pce Drive Pin Punch Set (100mm)
For accurate removal of metals pins or nails from a hole. Well-proportioned, hardened and tempered with a knurled grip. Sizes: 1.6, 2.4, 3.0, 4.0mm with an overall length 100m (4″).
Pin Punches
The Model Craft Collection includes a precision pin punch set used to drive objects, such as nails or to remove metal pins from a hole. When choosing a pin punch, select one that is no larger than then the diameter of the pin otherwise the pin can be damaged. These pin punches are designed with a small projection in the centre of the pin tip to support the circumference of the pin. When using the punch, make sure the axis of the shank of the pin punch is in line with the axis of the pin. Ensure that you hit directly on the top of the pin punch with a hammer rather than at an angle as you may bend the tool. Each punch features a knurled handle for full control. The pin punch set is perfect for any craftsman that needs to reach and adjust pins.
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