New Bedford Whale Boat – Bluejacket


(BJ-KLW122) Length 10″ / Scale 1/3″


New Bedford Whale Boat (BJ-KLW122) Length 10″ / Scale 1/3″

New Bedford boat builders were responsible for developing a nearly perfect design for a light, seaworthy, spacious boat to be used in the open ocean for the dangerous business of whaling.

After the sinking of the whaleship Essex, some of her crew survived for 3 months, traveling several thousand miles, in whaleboats. Melville’s “Moby Dick” provides us with one of the best descriptions of these famous vessels.

This kit has been newly revised, utilizing many laser cut wood parts. The resulting model is one of the most delicate, historically accurate representations of a whale boat.

To view our entire catalog of ship kits, please click here.

For a good reference on building model ships, please click here.

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Last modified: February 1st, 2023 at 2:27 pm