Alte Liebe Harbor Tug (RC) – Caldercraft
Alte Liebe Harbor Tug/Tender (RC) (CA7020)
Almost every day for nearly thirty years the tug boat ‘Alte Liebe’ could be seen in Cuxhaven Harbour under full steam. She was used as a Pilot, Fireboat and Salvage tug. Built in 1931 by the Nobiskrug Gmbh shipyard at Rendsburg on an order from Wasserstrabbendirektion Hamburg, she was launched on 2nd September 1931 and after further test launches on 12th and 14th November went into service at Cuxhaven on December 6th 1931.
The building price was 198,100 Reichsmark. Powered by a triple expansion steam engine built by Christiansen & Myer. The boiler was a single cylinder tube boiler with return flue. Maximum pressure of 14 bar, power output of the engine was 300hp at 210rpm.
Alte Liebe is now at Hamburg renamed Kirstin, with a complete superstructure change and a diesel engine. A fully moulded GRP hull with plating and rubbing strake detail is complemented with CNC cut ply deck and superstructure. Printed ply overlays are provided along with a comprehensive fittings kit to complete the model. The fully removable superstructure makes this model ideal for steam plant installation.
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