San Martin – OcCre


Scale 1:90
Height: 21.7 inches
Width: 10.2 inches
Length: 26.0 inches


OC13601 OcCre San Martin
The galleon named San Martin was built in Portugal and became Spanish property in 1580. It was the flagship of the Spanish Armada. On 22nd March 1588, Alonso Pérez de Guzman, the duke of Medina-Sidonia, admiral of the Spanish armada, unfurled his ensign on the galleon’s mainmast. This was one of the few ships that managed to escape the storms and the English fleet’s guns.

Scale 1:90
Height: 21.7 inches
Width: 10.2 inches
Length: 26.0 inches

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Last modified: March 21st, 2024 at 10:46 am